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Investment strategies and solutions aimed at achieving one or more financial objectives

A clear and shared philosophy for portfolio management combined with tried and trusted operating models.

Operating models



Eleutheria Wealth combines two different approaches for its investments


Top down, builds portfolios based on the macroeconomic and geopolitical picture.


Bottom up, covers the selection of the best individual instruments.

Our managers protect capital by striving to maximise returns within the risk parameters agreed with the client.

Eleutheria Wealth responds to abrupt changes in the financial markets with an adaptable investment process that facilitates investment decisions.

How we build client portfolios

For the building of client portfolios, Eleutheria Wealth has access to the best international financial institutions in addition to direct investments.

Objectives and client’s risk tolerance

The basis of the portfolio is to establish the client’s investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Defining the strategic portfolio

On an annual basis, the Investment Committee draws up the most efficient medium- to long-term strategy, setting out the general guidelines and basic principles of asset management in line with the client’s investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Building the portfolio

The most suitable investment instruments (shares, bonds, funds, etc.) are determined according to the client’s risk/return profile, liquidity and costs. Eleutheria Wealth has an asymmetric investment approach, as it focuses on reducing volatility.

Tactical investment strategy

The monthly committee adjusts the portfolio on an ongoing basis: without changing the basic structure, but seizing short-term opportunities related to the tactical allocation of the portfolio.

Control and risk management process

Portfolio monitoring is an essential and continuous aspect of the investment process. Portfolio risk monitoring is a requirement of the Portfolio Management System adopted by Eleutheria: we verify in real time that the managed portfolio is always aligned to the client’s risk profile.

Client relationship

Successful management depends on one essential human factor: listening to each other.

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